Saat Teduh 09 May 2024. 1 Yohanes 5: 1-12
2 By this we know that we love the children of God: when we love God and keep His commandments.
3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome,
4 for whoever is born of God overcomes the world, and the victory that overcomes the world is our faith.
5 Who is it that overcomes the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
- 1 John 5:2-5
1 Yohanes 5:2-3
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Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash |
Ini adalah bagian yang menarik dari ayat ini. Dibilang, kita cinta anak-anak Tuhan ketika kita love God dan melakukan perintahnya.
Dibawahnya, dikatakan lagi, love of God = melakukan perintahnya.
Salah satu bahasa kasih Tuhan adalah kita melakukan perintahnya. Hari ini, apakah hidup saya masih melakukan perintah-Nya? Kadang kita merasa perintah Tuhan itu berat, tapi menurut ayat ini, perintahnya gak berat. Kok bisa? Padahal, ada kalanya kita merasa, beratttt bangett.
Aku cari-cari di commentary, ternyata masih makes sense sih.
Aku suka cari di sini:
i. His commandments are not burdensome when we see how wise and good the commandments of God are. They are gifts from Him to show us the best and most fulfilling life possible. God’s commands are like the “manufacturer’s handbook” for life; He tells us what to do because He knows how we work best. God’s commands are not given to bind or to pain us, or because God is like an irritated old man.
ii. His commandments are not burdensome because when we are born again, we are given new hearts – hearts which by instinct wish to please God. As part of the New Covenant, the law of God has been written on the heart of every believer (Jeremiah 31:33).
iii. His commandments are not burdensome when we compare them to the religious rules men make up. John is not trying to say obedience is an easy thing. If that were so, then it would be easy for us to not sin, and John has already acknowledged that we all do sin (1 John 1:8). John is thinking of the contrast Jesus made between the religious requirements of the religious leaders of His day, and the simplicity of loving God and following Him. Jesus said all the rules and regulations of the Scribes and Pharisees were as heavy burdens (Matthew 23:4). In contrast, Jesus said of Himself, My yoke is easy and My burden is light (Matthew 11:30). Instead of the burdensome requirement to keep hundreds of little rules and regulations, Jesus simply says to us, “Love Me and love my people, and you will walk in obedience.”
iv. His commandments are not burdensome when we really love God. When we love God, we will want to obey Him and please Him. When you love someone, it seems little trouble to go to a lot of difficulty to help or please that person. You enjoy doing it, though if you had to do it for an enemy, you would be complaining all the time. Just as the seven years of Jacob’s service for Laban seemed only a few days to him because of the love he had for Rachel (Genesis 29:18), so obeying God’s commands does not seem a burden when we really love Him. An old proverb says, “Love feels no loads.”
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Photo by Ekaterina Shakharova on Unsplash |
Buat yg males baca, aku ringkas aja dari 2-4, karena itu bagian yg aku merasa, bener juga:
1. Karena kita sudah lahir baru, hati kita udah dibuat sama dengan hati Tuhan. Apa yg Tuhan suka, kita juga suka. Apa yg Tuhan benci, kita pun benci. Di Yeremia 31:33 ditulis, Tuhan udahkasih kita hati yg baru. Firman Tuhan di dalam hati kita.
2. Compare to Perjanjian Lama, ikut Tuhan sekarang jauh lebih mudah. Bahkan Tuhan bilang dalam Matius 11:28-30 TB, "Marilah kepada-Ku, semua yang letih lesu dan berbeban berat, Aku akan memberi kelegaan kepadamu. Pikullah kuk yang Kupasang dan belajarlah pada-Ku, karena Aku lemah lembut dan rendah hati dan jiwamu akan mendapat ketenangan. Sebab kuk yang Kupasang itu enak dan beban-Ku pun ringan.”
3. If we love Him, lakukan perintahnya jadi ringan. Seperti Yakub yg kerja 7 tahun buat Laban, karena dia cinta sama Rahel, 7 tahun berasa beberapa hari saja. Ketika kita melakukaan sesuatu untuk orang yang kita sayang, mudah kan? Yes, rasanya gak beban. Karena ada love-nya. Dikatakan, “Love feels no loads.”
1 Yohanes 5:4-5
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Photo by Fauzan Saari on Unsplash |
4 for whoever is born of God overcomes the world, and the victory that overcomes the world is our faith.
5 Who is it that overcomes the world, but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Saya banyak belajar secara personally di sini. Saya orang yang penakut. Banyak ketakutan, trauma, kegagalan. Tapi, tahu gak sih, kamu tuh udah mengalahkan dunia, Helen? Why? Karena kamu punya iman. Iman mengalahkan apapun juga. Because you trust God.
"Siapakah yang mengalahkan dunia, selain dari pada dia yang percaya, bahwa Yesus adalah Anak Allah?" - 1 Yohanes 5:5 TB
Makanya ada lagu, "Lebih dari pemenang." Ya, setiap kita yang percaya Tuhan, is an overcomer. Ya, kita yang percaya Tuhan mengalahkan dunia. Mengalahkan rasa takut, mengalahkan trauma, kesedihan, dll. Karena punya iman.
Kalo kata dunia, "Kamu gak berhasil, kamu gak bisa apa-apa." Tapi saya harus punya mental pemenang, dan gak dipengaruhi sama kata-kata dunia. Kalo aku udah mentalnya kalah dulu, ya gimana mau menang?
Today, I want to believe that I have overcome the world. Bahwa iman saya luar biasa, dan saya punya Tuhan yang luar biasa. Yang bagi Tuhan, gak ada yang mustahil. Tuhan kan juga bilang, "Jadilah kepadamu sesuai dengan yang kamu percayai."
So, today, aku mau percaya, bahwa aku bisa mengalahkan rasa takut aku. My past doesn't define me. Bahkan keadaan aku yang sekarang, struggle-struggle aku, aku bisa overcome. Dan aku mau berdoa dan meminta dengan berani, karena aku percaya, Tuhanku sanggup. Tuhanku luar biasa.
I would like to dream bigger, believe bigger, do bigger, ask bigger.
I won't let my fear and failure stop me. I know that I have amazing God, with our faith, we can overcome and conquer the world.
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