About The Billionaire Movie

01 December 2011.

Today, I’ve just finished watching The Billionaire in the cinema... It was so amazing! It’s about how a 19 years old boy tried to create a factory. He was down and up, and down, down, down, and then up again. In this chance, I will tell you the more details about the story. But, I strongly recommended that you HAVE TO watch this film. It’s a really funny, nice, and encouraging film. I’m sure after you watch this, your spirit will be doubled, or even more.

Top Ittipat (or so whatever) was just a senior high school that love to play online games and make money from it. He didn’t love school at all. What he did at school just playing online games. As a beginner in business world, he was also deceived by the seller when he aimed to sell the DVD player. Then, after that, spontaneously, he decided to be a chestnut seller. He bought a machine and learned by experience how to make a roasted chestnut. I’m not sure it was roasted or whatever kind of chestnut, but I know it is chestnut. With the great effort, he, who is helped by his uncle, finally built his business. But, it didn’t come smooth. At the first time, no one likes to buy it. And he go problem with the building management where he rented. He also had problem with his family, which actually wish that his son will study well at school.

Yeah, he entered the university, but he is not really study. His father and mother went to China and left him with his uncle and also with great debt, as many as 40 million Baht. Their house was seizure by the bank. He was also never seriously studying because he didn’t like to. His passion is in business.

After he tasted the seaweed nori, he tried to sell and make this product. With all of efforts, he bought all the raw materials and kept trying. The first 100,000 Baht (the currency in Thailand) was wasted and all of the nori tasted terrible. He bought another pack of nori until he finally found the recipe to make a tasty seaweed. After that, he tried to market his product to the 7 eleven in Thailand. Then, he proposed an agreement with the manager in 7 Eleven about his product. He was rejected because of the size is too big and also the packaging is not attractive. Then, he made an attractive packaging and the product called “Tao Kae Noi”. Then, he did it and after a long process, his product was accepted. He was so happy... But, before his product can be marketed, he should have a factory and his product must be accepted by QA assurance.

He was searching for loan, but nobody is going to loan money to a student 19 years old boy, whose house was also seizured. So, he sold his car and the money was used to build the factory. He just has to pay half at the first time. And if at the end of the contract, he could not pay the rest, he would be sent to the jail. But... He took all the risk. The first inspection by 7 Eleven team was failed, because it was not hygiene enough. But, after any improvement in the factory design, the product was approved! He was so happy. And finally, the brand becomes something that we know today, Tao Kae Noi. After 2 years developing his factory, he could paid all the debt of his family. When he was 26 years old, his factory becomes the 27th biggest factory in the world. At the end of the film, he gave us a quote. Here is approximately the quotes sounded, “Never give up. If you give up, it’s over.” –Top-

This film really touches my heart. In anything we do, nothing comes out easily. We have to try. We face many failures. And it’s all okay... Because we never know which one is right if we don’t know how it feels to be or to do something wrong. All you need to have is a strong passion and a “never-give up” spirit. He was an under graduated student, but he could establish the factory and be success person... There is no reason that we can’t be success! If he could, why do we can’t?

Success doesn’t come out easily. We have to try, work hard to reach it. Pay more, get more. It’s a natural rule in this world. That’s normal! That’s life. So, never stop trying. Don’t give up. We can be anything we want, if we trust and keep trying!!

If you like, you can open this website:
 It’s about the confession of the founder of Tae Kae Noi, Top Ittipat.. Hope you’ll be insipred more. =)

Have a nice day... Schönes Tag! GBU 


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