Your Very Simple Act Matters!

Often, when I step onto the Transjakarta Bus, especially after work, I notice that many people prefer to stay near the door instead of moving further inside.

I wonder why.

Perhaps their stop isn't too far away. Or maybe they simply feel more comfortable near the door. But that's just my guess. But, do you know what? When they are standing near the door, it could block more people to board on the bus, even though there are still some space inside.

So, what do I do?

I choose to move further into the bus so that more people can get on. If everyone crowds near the door, it can make it difficult for others to board, even when there's space available inside.

I understand everyone wants to get home quickly. So, it can be helpful if we all shift a bit to create more room for others to board.

Yes, we can't control what others do, but we can control our own actions. As I move further inside, away from the door, I notice some people following suit. Some are not. They are still standing near the door. But that's okay.

As I and others shift, it opens up more space for others to board.

So, what we can learn from this case?

We can't control others, but we can control ourselves. Maybe, by leading by example, others will follow suit and make a difference.

As we shift, we might be helping a mom who needs to get home quickly because her child is sick.

As we shift, we might be helping someone arrives home earlier, who needs to attend an online meeting soon. (Yes, sometimes that's me!) And you know what, If I get home earlier, it means I have more time to prepare for the next meeting. And it makes me happy, cause I don't need to be in a hurry. 

As we shift, we're providing more space for people to board the bus, which could help someone who's afraid of the dark get home earlier.

Did you know that one simple action can mean a lot to others? Our actions, no matter how small, can make a difference. 

Yes, we can’t change others. Sometimes, we can't change the condition around us, too!

But, we can influence others by our own simple action. We can always do something, even if it seems too small. And sometimes, even the smallest actions counts.

What we do matters! Keep making a difference! Keep spreading kindness!

Have a great day! ^^,


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