Define Yourself ^^,

This night, I am so happy that my sister shows me something. She is drawing and writing on her book about who she is, what she loves doing, what her habit, what she want to be. She said that she was inspired by my blog (Define Myself) , that writes down something about me. I was so happy to hear that. Someone was inspired by my blog… =) *flyingwithoutwings*

Then I said to her. Yes, that is good. Because life is not about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself. You know yourself better and you decide what you love, what matters for you, and who you are gonna be. You decide. You design it. Yes, you’re the designer of yourself. (Oh, how happy I am to know that I am a designer already). Everyone is the designer of their own life (with or without God is your decision).

I dare everyone (again) who read this blog (you) to define yourself. Define what you loves doing, define your hobby, define your dreams, define your characters, define your future, or anything about yourself. It’s not for show off that anyone needs to know. You can write down on your most private diary and put it down in a very safe and hidden place. It’s just to make anyone understand their self better.

Let’s defining ourselves. Define our future. Create our own world.

Have a blessed day everyone =)

*Here I include ths supportive quotes to help you to understand better and to show you that I'm not made up... Hihihi.. 


  1. Ci, makasi sudah menginspirasiku untuk menulis di blog-ku ttg define yourself..aku jadi punya moment buat merenung sebenarnya bagaimana tentang diriku.. God bless you

    Regards, Rene KoRem GKI Cawang

  2. Hai Irene... Salam kenal.. =) Hehehe, itu sebenernya ide gila doang sih, tapi aku pikir ya penting juga buat lebih tau ttg diri sendiri, makanya ditulis juga, hehe =) Sama2 Irene.. Seneng bisa menginspirasi orang lain. Kamu jg pasti bisa kok ^^,

    Helen (GKI Gunsa)


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