Recall the Memory
Hari ini… tepat setahun
berakhirnya kehidupanku di Jerman. Di tanggal segini, tahun lalu, aku sedang
merindukan sebuah Negara bernama Germany sambil jet-lagged dengan pikiran melayang-layang. Antara percaya dan tidak percaya kalo aku udah di Indonesia lagi. Aku masi
ingat rasanya perasaan itu. Rasa gak rela pulang ke Indonesia. Rasa gak pengen
balik tapi udah balik. Dan rasanya badan sama jiwa gak nyatu. Badannya emang di Indo, tapi
jiwanya masih di Jerman.
It’s already one year since I left Germany. I really
miss that place. I really miss the life there. Let’s recall the memory. Die
Bacekerei mit alle die Mitarbeiter, Schlossplatz, Koenigstrasse,
Hildegardisheim and all of my lovely friends there, PERKI. Thank you…. You’ve really made my day =)
This is for you all, as my thank you for you, the "Virtual Brezel", hehehe... I can't send you the real ones, so just accept the virtual =P. They were real, doch (last year) =P Enjoy!
*Hey friends, hope we could meet again someday in the future ^^,
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